One of the most challenging projects I’ve ever worked on
Designing an intuitive interface for IoT developer tools that are powerful,
but notoriously cumbersome.
What is The Grid?
“The Grid is an integration platform for connected devices, applications, services and cloud platforms. It lowers the technical threshold for developers and makes IoT data streams universally interoperable.”
Wow, That was a mouthful. During my time on the project I had to learn how to write a lot of copy, try it out, see what sticks, rinse and repeat.
Early on it was really important to map out all the different pieces and how they relate to each other, in order to define concepts and communicate them to users.
What is a device? an inventory? a workspace? what can I do with them?
Everything starts with pen and paper
Prototyping interactions
I created several digital prototypes to user test and evaluate interaction patterns on the platform.
Paper prototypes were also used to test different methods of onboarding and tutorials (I didn’t take pictures of those but I made a nice little set of cards that I held up in front of the screen while testers followed the steps in the actual tool).
During my time at DeviceRadio and working on The Grid, I created many illustrations that were used for communication on pilot projects, marketing material both digital and print.